3 Tips for Reaching Your Health Goals

Something that I must do!

One Woman's Journey

3 tips to reach goals

Did you set New Year’s Resolutions? I did! Every year, people set new goals to eat better, exercise more, etc., but many have dropped their goals by Valentine’s Day. How can we keep ourselves focused on the goals we so sincerely set at the beginning of the year? Try these tips to give yourself an edge.

1. Write it down!

We’ve all heard that we SHOULD write down our goals, but research actually backs this up. Dr. Gail Matthews of Dominican University in California studied 267 participants and found thatpeople are 42% more likely to achievetheir goals if they write them down.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that those who create dream or goal boards with PICTURES of their goals are even more likely to stay focused.

ACTION: Take time this week to write down your top goals for the year. Be specific, and include both short-term and long-term goals. Next, create…

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